Dwayne White ( Project Assistant )

Dwayne White

Project Assistant

Dwayne White Jr. is a theatre activist who has been gracing proscenium stages and screens since 2003. With Arts Education at the helm of his artistic ambitions, his involvement with Arts in Action as an artist facilitator since 2015, stands as testimony to his belief  in arts for social change. An accomplished performance artist and artistic content creator, Dwayne has served as a drama tutor for over10 years, educating students at the primary, secondary and tertiary level as well as countless communities. Some of his most notable projects include workshops at the home for the elderly  in Tobago- which  involved storytelling as  a tool to strengthen  motor skills, and Mas pedagogy among youths. Masquerade traditional forms, mas construction and wire bending are critical components of Dwayne’s knowledge stock and teaching capabilities. Performance Art and highlighting popular theatre are his ongoing career aspirations. He believes that the arts is a tool  we utilize to heal, bring forward change and socio-cultural awareness. He intends to invest his life’s work to do the same. 

 Theatre is life, we all are performers, so let us bring our stories  to life

– Dwight