Arts-in-Action primary school workshop 2019

Become a Partner

Our philosophy is drawn from a particular mandate for community engagement and development. We treasure participation and what is seen as a creative social process. 

We believe the Caribbean can lead the rest of the world by providing a model, an identity marker, for how we all should live as human beings. Our diversity, creativity and dynamism have emerged from our unique experience as a people, though thrown together by forces neglectful of our collective well-being, we by recognition of our history, have stepped ahead of the designs of the old metropoles. The Caribbean continues to forge a path to racial equality, the acceptance of our many contributing cultures/traditions and the fact that, although we are seen as a multitude, we have learned to regard ourselves as one people. There is still work to be done and the arts have a crucial role to play. Our vision for the world, hence, cannot be achieved by our efforts alone, for we are nothing without your involvement.

Dance company showcase

As of 2020 Arts-in-Action has formulated  a simple way for you to participate. We call it Arts for Community Transformation (ACT)ACT seeks to position the arts as a main force in the realisation of a stronger Caribbean while empowering community members as actors in a social process for positive change and development. 

As a partner, you get to:

  •  Choose a community organisation for support.
  •  Link that organisation with Arts-in-Action.
  • Have Arts-in-Action work with you to achieve your targeted community vision.
  • Have Arts-in-Action promote your ACT project on our media pages.
  • Have Arts-in-Action report on the project for your records.

Partnering with us is simple:


  • two (2) 60-minute ACT workshops in a school or community of your choice. 
  • Focus chosen by partner.


  • four (4) 60-minute ACT workshops in a school or community of your choice.
  • Focus chosen by the partner.


  • a week-long project in a school or  community of choice based on a focus chosen by the partner.
  • Arts-in-Action will work with the partner to identify project content and parameters.


  • a two (2) week long project in a community of choice based on a focus chosen by the partner.
  • Arts-in-Action will work with the partner to identify project content and parameters.


  • a month long project in a community of choice based on a focus chosen by the partner.
  • Arts-in-Action will work with the partner to identify project content and parameters.

You can Contact our project team by:

Phone: 1-868-289-4242/384-9561/353-3284
Email: [email protected]
       [email protected] 
       [email protected]

Let’s ACT together for a better Caribbean and for a better world!