Brendon Lacaille (Artistic Director)

Brendon Lacaille

Artistic Director – Art-in-Action

Director, Playwright, facilitator and gender advocate, Brendon Lacaille, has more than seventeen years’ experience in the Arts.

As an apprentice of the Baggasse Production Company in the early nineties, he worked as a production assistant, stage crew member and actor in several of the company’s productions. This exposure also allowed him to secure several television roles in local films for television at that time.

As a student of the Creative Arts Centre at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus (now the Department of Creative and Festival Arts), Brendon began a long career as an associate of the Centre which culminated in him joining the Arts-in-Action unit in 1998 after completing a degree in English and History (Upper 2nd honours).

With a distinction in the Practitioner’s Certificate course in Drama/Theatre-in-Education (1999), he continued as an actor-teacher/facilitator later moving on to become a Lead Facilitator, Project Manager, Business Development Officer, and Administrative Director with the unit.

Following the completion of his Certificate programme at DCFA, he was awarded a BA in Theatre Arts. Brendon also read for his MPhil in Cultural Studies at UWI St. Augustine. His study was based on the testing of his originally created, applied creative arts tool for teaching, called “Creative Characterising”.

He is a UN trained Gender Advocate, a husband, the father of four and an Adjunct Lecturer at the certificate and undergraduate levels of the Department of Creative and Festival Arts.

He is also currently the Artistic Director of Arts-in-Action.