Discovery Camp

Discovery Camp

Arts-in-Action’s (AiA’s) Discovery Camp is an annual vacation arts-based camp

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AiA/ BHP Safe Spaces

Arts-in-Action’s partnership with BHP has led to years of applied creative arts campaigns which have shaped our approach to the area of social justice. One of these major campaigns is reflected in our commitment to the eradication of Gender-based Violence (GBV).   Project Details:  Arts-in-Action’s Safe Spaces for BHP  is a strategic multi-phased, applied creative arts, […]

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Civilian Conservation Corps

The Civilian Conservation Corps in Trinidad and Tobago was a government adaptation of a United States programme to approach the issues of unemployment and youth development in the nation.

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AiA Projects

The “Discovery by” phenomenon is an annual tri-project venture specifically designed for children and young adults aged 5-18.

Civilian Conservation Corps

The Civilian Conservation Corps in Trinidad and Tobago was a government adaptation of a United...
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“Hearts and Minds” programme

AiA for Hearts and Minds with The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. The TTPS Inter-Agency...
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