AiA/ BHP Safe Spaces

Arts-in-Action’s partnership with BHP has led to years of applied creative arts campaigns which have shaped our approach to the area of social justice. One of these major campaigns is reflected in our commitment to the eradication of Gender-based Violence (GBV)

BHP Safe Spaces Court Wadoo Mayaro 2019
BHP Safe Spaces Court Wadoo Mayaro 2019

 Project Details

  • Arts-in-Action’s Safe Spaces for BHP  is a strategic multi-phased, applied creative arts, anti-bullying campaign which targets the communities of north-east and south-east Trinidad and those within the island of Tobago.
  • Safe Spaces was designed to support  BHP’s ongoing commitment to Trinidad and Tobago by serving the communities in its areas of operation which fall under its corporate responsibility umbrella, namely: Manzanilla to Guayaguayare, Salybia to Matelot and strategically chosen areas in the island of Tobago (North, South, East and West).

Safe Spaces involves:

  1. An Applied Creative Arts (ACA) led Qualitative Data-Collection Drive and Impact Assessment of bullying behaviour in the specific schools and communities outlined.
  2. The design and implementation of Interactive Performance Workshops (IPWs) for students in the primary and secondary schools in the target areas outlined.
  3. The implementation of Applied Creative Arts Teacher Training Workshops in support of Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) Curriculum delivery in these primary and secondary schools.
  4. The implementation of Parental Support Workshops for parents in the target communities.
  5. The engagement of key community stake-holders (school administration, school guidance officers, safety officers, NGOs/community leaders, policing agencies and other agencies) with the view to formulating a way forward for the support of a monitoring and prevention mechanism in the targeted areas.
  6. The preparation and presentation of a Post Project Report which will serve as a possible Applied Arts intervention model and resource for similar community interventions within Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean.